Very spring-like tree with specks of sparkly dew to lighten any garden in springtime.
very nice
very nice, low prims and majestic
Great tree, so pleased it's copyable and very cheap too. <3
Maravilhosa Arvore!
baixo prim, textura boa, arvore grande e frondosa por apenas 10 lindens.
isso foi um presente do designer, melhor que muitas arvores de quase 1k que eu comprei.
Wonderful work
This tree is fantastic, wonderful textures, low prim and only 10 L
I love it and it is the main feature in my garden, you will love it too.
Thank you so much :)
Best tree!
Out of all the trees I've bought, this is definitely one of my favorites that I use time and time again! It's so low prim, and the leaf texture is so pretty!
a 350 L$ tree sold at 10 L$ - a gorgeous tree !
A tree for spring, summer and all seasons.
The foliage is beautiful and it stands perfectly well in any garden, really adorns any place.
Low prim, best bargain price, elegant, detailed, highly recommended !