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Staircase Medieval Wall Kitbash Builder Pack Copy Modify

Staircase Medieval Wall Kitbash Builder Pack Copy Modify

Thanks for buying another original M&M Creation.

Staircase Medieval Wall Kitbash Builder Pack

- 67 pieces
- average landimpact of 2 per piece
- scripted doors and gates with sound
- textures included or use your own
- endless possibilities
- ! IMPORTANT ! doors and gates only work when part of a linkset

Designed with a rendervolumelodfactor of 2.

-------------------------- M&M Creations --------------------------
------ https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/10499 ------


© M&M Creations; represented by Marcthur Goosson, All Rights Reserved.

Buying this product you agree to the following according to the TOS of the online game Second Life, and the legislation about copyrights related to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act:

This product is only for private use. You may not, print, copy, distribute or disclose it to anyone neither as they are nor as a part of any file. You are authorized to take advantage of it only in order to create your own builds that you may sell.
The violation of this agreement at any way means a copyright infringement that could set your self under the risk of a prosecution and a DMCA take down notice.

This product is full permissions for builders, so that you can use it in your own builds, and to be sold by you as a component of your build only. The permissions of components must be changed before selling with your product, you may not transfer them with full permissions.

You can:

- Use this product in part of a build and sell that build.

You can't:

- Sell this product as it is, just as a part of your build.
You must meet the requirements of a 'Derivative Work'.

- Sell this product as a standalone with only minor changes made to the original state.
You must meet the requirements of a 'Derivative Work'.

- Sell this product as full permissions (copy/mod or mod/trans is ok).

- Give away this product

- Distribute this product as freebie or part of a freebie.

- Distribute or use this product outside the virtual world Second Life with exception of the Second Life Marketplace.

Derivative Work: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derivative_work

See item in Second Life
  • An Original Medieval M&M Creations
  • Staircase and Wall Crafted with care and eye for detail
  • Staircase Medieval Wall Fantasy Build
  • Medieval Textures Included
  • Enjoy this Staircase Medieval Wall Kitbash set