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Standy - Advanced posing stand with show/hide support

Standy - Advanced posing stand with show/hide support
Standy - Advanced posing stand with show/hide support
4 Reviews

..: Ploreho design :: Standy :: Advanced posing stand with show/hide support :..

Standy is an easy to use and highly customizable posing stand.
It will allow you to include any number of poses inside it (as far as memory limit allows!) and let you choose them through a comfortable dialog system or by pressing the 2 previous/next buttons.
In addition, unlike many of the other posing stands you can find around, it accepts two simple chat commands to make the posing stand itself visible and invisible:

/9 hide - makes standy completely invisible, perfect to take pictures!
/9 show - shows the stand again

Standy comes with mod/copy rights, should you need to adapt it to your needs, apply your company logo and so on.

..: What's new :..

- NEW: all scripts recompiled in Mono for best performances.

- BUGFIX: fixed an error with Standy not correctly showing the chosen post/animation on its very first use, and as a consequency of this...
- NEW: ...added a default "Da Vinci" pose courtesy of Anya Yalin and her new AnnaMayaHouse shop

..: Adding poses/animations :..

Right click on Standy, select Edit, then click on "More" in the edit window (unless it's already expanded) and click on the Contents tab. Drop your poses/animations inside it. The poses list will automatically update allowing you to use Standy immediately.

..: Changing rotation :..

Standy allows you to change the rotation of your avatar on the posing stand.
To do this, you can operate the buttons on the right side of Standy, one to move clockwise, one counter-clockwise, and the middle button to reset the rotation to the default value.
Each rotation is made in steps of 10 degrees. To change this, simply input a numeric value between 1 and 359 in the posing stand's Description field (right click on Standy, select Edit, then click on "More" in the edit window (unless it's already expanded) and click on the General tab).
You can also use chat commands to set your rotation:

/9 cw - rotates clockwise by the amount specified in the posing stand's description (or 10 degrees if missing)
/9 ccw - rotates counter-clockwise by the amount specified in the posing stand's description (or 10 degrees if missing)

It is also possible to specify an amount of degrees in the chat command itself, for example:

/9 cw 30 - will rotate clockwise by 30 degrees

..: Product updates :..

You will automatically receive free updates to the product when they will come available. The update check is issued every time you rez Standy.

..: Users group and website :..

Ploreho design Clients -

..: Support :..

To provide you with the best customer support service possible, your basic information (such as AV name and key) will be stored in our databases in order to register your sale and allow us to operate the update system and send out global notices to our customers. In no case will your information be disclosed to a third party entity, but it will be used to the only purpose of customer support & technical information. Should you have any more question regarding this, feel free to submit a request to
Should you have any other problem, don't hesitate to contact me in-game (Gabriel Watanabe) or send an email to detailing your problem and avatar name.

..: Credits :..

Thanks to Anya Yalin and Apollonia Bertolucci for the usual beta testing and the initial idea for the product.

  • Easy to use
  • Moddable: make it however you like it
  • Rotate the pose in any way you like
  • Make it invisible for your snapshots
  • Lag-free
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
  • 5 star:
  • 4 star:
  • 3 star:
  • 2 star:
  • 1 star:

L$ 99

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Ploreho Design
Sold by: Gabriel Watanabe

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  • Copy
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  • User Licensed
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Land Impact: 7