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Star Ship X Version 1.0

Star Ship X
Star Ship X
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Static prim build star ship for RP or any use.


Hirado class star ship. Designed as a light corvette explorer designed for finding points of interest and establishing information if it is something requiring investigating. This information is forwarded to Star Fleet command exploratory division. In which a more advanced ship is sent to explore.


Saucer section has one deck and various sections for access. Bridge has been incorporated into the saucer section. Shuttle bay may utilize two shuttles. Engineering is below the main hull and is independent in design. Ship is capable of warp 8 cursing and 9.1 for a short period of time. Armed with type 12 phasers and torpedo ports.


The saucer section has rooms with doors. Please note that the textures are solid due to having various angles made in prims to fit the needed areas. If you use a texture with patterns they will not look even or properly angled. You can remove the walls and doors and apply your own interior designs. There are lift housings modeled for the Monsieur Jed Herbit’s lift system unless you prefer other means. Also a note on that. If you use MJH lifts you can make various sections transparent to make it look proper and engineering section has space for a lift and a warp core including various other items. This is a large build so make sure you have the room.

Any issues please notecard or IM me. My IM’s do get capped sometimes.

Saucer section 103
Shuttle bay 26
Engines 16
Engineering w/add-ons 39
Bay door 1

Total 185 LI

Length 110
Width 40
Depth 33

L$ 500

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Stellars Stuff
Stellars Stuff
Sold by: MicahStellar

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