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Starfire Tri-Stage Dance Floor -Mesh- Version DFPS 1.0

Starfire Tri-Stage Dance Floor -Mesh-
Starfire Tri-Stage Dance Floor -Mesh-
4 Reviews

Exotic Club Performer's Stage

****** Big Discount in store for Mother's Day ******

3 Prims


1) The Starfire Tri-Stage was designed to be used as a professional style exotic dancer platform for your club or home while being configured to the lowest prim and lag possible.
2) The main stage has 3 solo dancer pads and will accommodate 1 dancer per pad.
3) Each Dance Pad will light up (activate) when sat upon and offers the dancer a menu of 24 entertainer style dances.
4) Clicking the main stage will open up a menu that offers you 9 choices of color for more variety.
5) The dance pads are modify so you can add and remove dances as you like, just drag and drop your animations to the content of each pad.
6) The Starfire Tri-Stage is a 100% MESH build.


Modify / Copy / No Transfer


~ Now viewable in our new Dance Floor Rezzor Vendor located on the second floor of Works Of Wonder right next to the Dance Ball Rezzor Vendor. I know what a pain cycling through hundreds of items in a vendor just to view one or two can be, so I developed this new rezzor to simplify the search. Only dance floors will be represented in this vendor and one will always be rezzed to view. To view any others and check out the looks and effects, simply cycle through the choices and click on the rez button when you see one of interest...... Happy Dancing

1) Please read note card FULLY before attempting to rez.
2) This build may have been linked and set to optimize the land impact to as low as possible, but any un-linking or alterations may result in the increase of the land impact of this build.
3) This is a Modify / Copy item and you may rezz as many copies as you like, you will also be able to modify them without the fear of ruining your initial purchase as long as you keep a copy of the original purchase.
4) You must have land rights or visit a sandbox to rezz this item.

WORKS OF WONDER - Just a little spot to add to the magic that is the Second Life community through our thoughts, dreams and wonderment.... We now have a small in-world store in Tamura so that many of our works may be seen up close and tested before being purchased. Thank you all for your interest and patronage in our products.

We hope that you enjoy the products you have purchased from us and continue to come back to visit in the future. Please do not hesitate to add a rating and review to let us know what you think of your purchase. If you have any issues, questions or requests just send a note card to Connor71. I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Again we thank you for your patronage....


See item in Second Life
  • Designed to be used as a professional style dance stage for club or home use
  • Main stage offers 3 solo dancer pads that will light up (activate) when in use
  • Each Stellar dance pad offers the dancer a menu of 24 entertainer style dances
  • The main menu offers 9 choices of color available for the animated dance stage
  • Need a home, dance pole or podium? Maybe a dance floor or ball? Visit WOW today!
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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absolutely fabulous
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 14, 2017 by SilverRoZe

I saw this in world,played with it and fell in love with it!! Simply Beautiful!! Dances are Great! Carefully selected, High quality and smooth! not like many other free ones that are all over SL! These are something els!
The stage itself looks awesome! Sat upon an each pad and it become activated and lights up! I have had lots of fun with friends dancing on it the other night!
Did I mention how much I love love all the selection of bright/light&dark trims and animated pads & colours???
I am very happy with my " Starfire Tr i- Stage" and it has added more cheers to my second life :)

Thanks to the creator and looking forward to see more of its like at WOW!


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Awesome club dance floor
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 24, 2016 by Katrinau

I actually got this dance floor before and a friend of mine loved it so much when she played with it I wanted to send her a copy for Xmas. It has a great selection of dances and really looks great no matter what color you use on it. The only change I made to it was darkening the trim a bit more. The gray trim looks ok, but I think it stands out much more with a darker trim. Thanks bunches for a cool dance floor :)

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L$ 399

Adding to cart as gift


Works Of Wonder
Works Of Wonder
Sold by: Connor71

Land Required

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
See product details for permissions info
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 3