This unit can be used to preserve someone in cryogenic stasis until they can be safely revived. Useful for long journeys through space (just don't let the psychotic unstable artificial intelligence control the pod), medical treatment, or when you just feel like skipping the next century or two.
While the tube is activated, the stasis field forms around the occupant and the timer starts counting down. Others can add or remove time from the countdown, or manually shut the unit down and bring the occupant out of stasis.
The tube has controls for the owner to turn on options for RLV (prevent the occupant from getting up, chatting, and/or seeing anything) while the stasis field is turned on. If the occupant isn't using RLV (or is cheating), the tube sounds an alarm if they get up before the stasis timer is done. It also has the option of forcing the occupant to use mouselook while the stasis field is on (stopping the countdown and sounding the alarm if they violate that rule).
The tube also interacts with the standard Mercy patient HUD to monitor the occupant's vital signs. It also gives wearable electrodes and an oxygen mask, as well as a holographic bar code ID bracelet (with a simple RLV relay in case you don't already have one).
v2.3 updates to the Mercy 4.2 patient HUD. Previous versions of the HUD function normally with this item, however.
- Opening door
- Animated "stasis" window and screens
- RLV functions to lock occupant into tube and blank screen
- Working timer and alarm
- Wearable electrodes and mask