Strange New Phaser Pistol (aka Phaser 2)

Just the thing for Away Team missions, this handy phaser pistol lets the natives know that you are not a person to be trifled with.
A highly-detailed model (yet with a lag-friendly land impact of 1), the phaser pistol is materials enabled, giving it a more realistic texturing than simple colouring alone could achieve.
The phaser can be worn on your hip and drawn/holstered via the included HUD or through a simple chat command on channel 5 (so no speaking in public chat is required). You can also change the setting from 'Stun' to 'Kill', which changes the coloured light indicator on top of the phaser (blue or red).
Once drawn, your phaser can be fired by clicking your left mouse button, producing fast-moving ball of energy and a sound effect sampled directly from the series.
Please note that the phaser pistol does no actual damage; it is simply a prop/accessory/special effect. It is modifiable, however, allowing you to put in whatever damage/weapon scripts you like.
Not all of our products are listed on the marketplace – we have many more items in our in-world store (plus group gifts etc). See you there!
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