G General

StreamMaster Pro - Parcel Music Radio Controller Version 1.0

StreamMaster Pro - Parcel Music Radio Controller

StreamMaster Pro is a comprehensive parcel radio system that comes with over 70 pre-loaded radio stations spanning multiple genres. This professional-grade radio controller allows land owners and managers to easily control their parcel's music stream.


Over 70 pre-loaded radio stations.
Custom URL support for your own streams.
Multi-page station browser.
Access control (Owner only, Group only, or Public)
Current station display.
Temporary custom URL with auto-reset (3-hour default).
Simple touch interface.
Low script impact.
Easy station list customization.


Edit the included 'stations' notecard.
Each line format: StationName;http://stream-url.
No limit to number of stations.
Changes apply automatically on script reset.


Owner can set access rights through Options menu.
Choose between owner-only, group-only, or public access.
Perfect for land, clubs, DJ's, homes, rental properties or public spaces.


Rez the radio.
Set land media URL permissions as needed.
Set to land group.
Touch to access controls.
Optional: Edit stations notecard to customize.


Copy - No Modify (Script only) - No Transfer.
100% Menu-Controlled (except 'stations' notecard).
Full permissions for included stations notecard.


For support, please contact [Pullamies Resident] in-world.

See item in Second Life
  • Over 70 pre-loaded radio stations.
  • Custom URL support for your own streams.
  • Multi-page station browser.
  • Access control (Owner only, Group only, or Public)
  • 100% Menu-Controlled.