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Studio Craft * Ganesh Self Care Manifestations (BOX)

Studio Craft * Ganesh Self Care Manifestations (BOX)
Studio Craft * Ganesh Self Care Manifestations (BOX)
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3 Ganesh Statues self care w/fortune teller script
50 daily Manifestations for clean mental health

Red - Blue - Grey
100% MESH
2 LI Each

Those Ganesh statues are not like any others. Those are made especially to help you to build and maintain a clean mental health. Manifestations used by professional coaches.

Click on the statue and read in LocalChat:
"I am the dreamer of my dream"
"I let go of the shadow of the past by seeing someone for the first time with the eyes of love"
"I choose to learn through love"

Enjoy with love!

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L$ 499

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Studio Craft Architect
Studio Craft Architect
Sold by: LillyCraft

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 2