G General

[~SugaBees~] [LIFE] Flutter Wings Tango Illusion

[~SugaBees~] [LIFE] Flutter Wings Tango Illusion

*This is the [L I F E] (1) version of this item.

Pretty fluttering butterfly wings to wear on your avatar.

Things your wings do:
* Has a light pixie dust particle effect
* Randomly flutter when standing still
* Flutters while talking in open chat
* Walking flutters and sound effects
* Flying flutters and sound effects
*Comes with a free pose stand for adjusting your wings

Wings are modifiable (not scripts), so you can re-size them to fit. They are also copy-able, so if you mess one up, grab another copy from your box.

For more information about compatibilities, please visit my compatibilities page here: http://wp.me/P42Wg1-3c

Need help or got a great idea? IM me (Angell Quan) and I'll try my best to help you :)

See item in Second Life