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Surface of Europa - Jovian Moon (boxed)

Surface of Europa - Jovian Moon (boxed)

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This is a fully functional skydome, created and textured to represent the surface of Europa - the fourth largest moon of Jupiter.

Slightly smaller than the Earth's moon, Europa is primarily made of silicate rock and probably has an iron core. Europa has a tenuous atmosphere composed mostly of molecular oxygen (O2). Its surface is composed of water ice and is one of the smoothest in the Solar System. Some believe that Europa features a subterranean ocean capable of supporting life.

The skydome is provided as a default 64x64m circular skybox, but you can easily resize it since its provided as mod&copy. The default version has a land impact of 8, though you can bring it down to 5 by removing the sculpted rocks or increase it by adding more of the copyable rocks that come with the purchase. Jupiter is represented as a 3D object on the skydome, rotating very slowly and acting as and independant lightsource.

This skydome is fully functional as it is, but for best visual experience, it is suggested to use the following sky presets:

1) If you are using Firestorm viewer, best use the "[TOR] NIGHT - Wuxia" sky preset.
2) If you are using other viewers that do not have the "[TOR] NIGHT - Wuxia" sky preset, then the regular SL "midnight" preset will also work nicely.

Upon purchase you get the skybox, with the skydome as well as the sculpted rocks seen in the screenshots. You receive a separate version with an opaque skydome and a semi-transparent skydome.

Me and the space suit are not included ;)
