^^Swallow^^ Ear Wings GOLD with Hud for change Colors
it's an 100% mesh accessory for your avatar
unrigged (you can edit and move it where you want)
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Veja o item no Second LifeUnique And Very Cool
The HUD comes with twelve colors for the wings and twelve for the pearls. These Ear Wings are well made and so cool looking.
These look and fit good, they're individual and unrigged so you can wear one or both and move them around as you please, the only downside is that my hair covers them almost completely, so I will have to find another look to wear them properly.
Definetely worth it.
Stunning !
when i saw this wings i thought uhm ... i hope they will result as the picture... but guess? they are better than in picture! i really love them ♥ thank you Swallow!!!
I love wings gold
the hud of these beautiful and fashion wings makes always be with the right outfit