Most Funny & Cute Nerds Glasses Ever !
- 8 Colors included.
- Resizer so should fit with everyone !
- Show & Hide function.
- Glow, Highlight & Gloss !
- 4 Lenses included !
- Opacity.
Product details & Rights :
- With the resizer included should fit with Adults, Kids & Babies.
Second Picture Credits : Haha Cute Blog - Caroline Aquila
See item in Second LifeSo Adorable!
I love these glasses they are too cute and the perfect nerdy glasses! I love the different functions included like resizer, different lenses, and glow options :D. I'd recommend these for anyone looking to add a cute new pair to their wardrobe.
So much fun and with 8 exciting colors these NERD glasses are awesome. Where else can you get so much fun for so little Lindens!!!!
Annoying Gesture Auto-Plays
While the look of the glasses themselves are decent... there is this REALLY obnoxious "You're a nerd!" gesture that plays automatically upon attaching this item. The item, and scripts within, are no-modify so you can't even take the script out or disable the noise from playing. I'm super disappointed I spent any L$ on this based on that alone. So frustrating!
Best nerd glasses ever !
I love the lenses so much, and those are really pretty !