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TA Magnificent Foxface Fish 2011

TA Magnificent Foxface Fish 2011
TA Magnificent Foxface Fish 2011
1 Review

TA Magnificent Foxface Fish Emitter. Touch On/Off control.

Fish rez every few seconds and float about. Place the rezzer ball a meter or so above the bottom to get the best results.

Note: Depending on the SIM your in it make take a few seconds to start seeing the fish clearly. Just be patient :-)

If you like it please rate it... Enjoy!

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  • Touch on/off
Average rating: full star full star empty star empty star empty star
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It's alright.
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted December 19, 2012 by Grim Enigma

I wouldn't consider this a great value for the 10L. The texture is nice.

Of course no copy and there aren't any particle options, such as the ability to change the range, brightness (glow or not), and amount of the particles.... just on and off.

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L$ 15

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TA Hardware
TA Hardware
Sold by: msw Tomorrow

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