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<TA>Computer Workstation Stool (Type 1) w/ Tables & Counters

<TA>Computer Workstation Stool (Type 1) w/ Tables & Counters

<TA>Computer Workstation Stool (Type 1) w/ Tables & Counters

THIS SET IS TYPE 1. Other type stools sold separately.

Stools, tables, and counters where you and friends can work those keys! Be creative!

The stools are the core of the build. They have animations and rez props. (Props are temporary, but do have a land impact while avatar is seated.) The stools also include a long "Work" sequences where the poses switch.

These stools (one of the 3 types) get used literally EVERY workday and some weekends by the <TA> team members. They are integral in the role-play-going-to-work aspect of our SL life.

** KNOWN ISSUE**: Standing up from some of the poses will put on ON TOP of the counter. A "Stop Working" animation is included to move you away so yo can Stand Up with dignity.

The stools will work with ANY desk, table or counter… the props are inside the stools, as we said.

However, we are including several versions of a work table/counters

Some of the counters are also "sit-able" having poses and a prop for someone… (You know that person who just hovers around others who are working, trying to look like they are helping… that person!)

The props in the stool and counter emit a short range, low intensity local light that very realistically models screen light!

It's Copy/Mod

But… Whereas some of the animations are no-modify, it will appear as such in inventory.


You Get:

Workstation Stools:

The stools come in 3 types:

• Type 1: Just the laptop and iPad—good for small work spaces.

• Type 2: Laptop, iPad, and two monitors

• Type 3: Laptop, iPad, and two monitors on table IN FRONT of stool, PLUS, mixer, laptop, magazine on 2nd table BEHIND stool. Requires more space and two tables.

THIS SET IS TYPE 1. Other type stools sold separately.

UPDATED 2023-02-26: Added drinking and eating so stool can be used for meals and hanging out.

UPDATED 2023-04-21: Added MORE drinking and eating and added MORE sits/stands so stool can be used for meals and hanging out. (We are using them in our cafe now.

<TA>Computer Workstation Stool, Laptop & iPad
<TA>Computer Workstation Stool, Laptop & iPad ++ Eats & Sits


The tables are all essentially versions of the same thing, just sized differently and…
• 1 has leans on the front side.
• 1 has leans on the back side
• 1 has no animations
• 1 is a mini version without animations

Some have footrests. You can "Edit linked" the table, select the foot rest, and adjust as needed to perfectly support the feet! (Or you can unlink and delete them and let your feet hang!)

The tables are textured like a rich, dark wood. You can re-texture easily to your taste.

"Wall Mount" Counter + Toe Rest
• This is 2 separate items. They can get you started by rezzing against the wall. The toe-rest… see above.
• This is textured to look like some kind of white non-organic material. You can easily re-texture as desired.

8 versions of tables are Included:

!!!!! MODIFYING TABLES !!!!!!!


To resize, select, pick "Edit linked", select the table, then change ONLY the length and width.

This build has sits and stands. The computer animation determined how far the seat of the stool could be from the surface of the table. The standing animations determined how far the seat of the stool had to be from the floor, and the leans also rely on the table being at a certain height.

Changing the height will… mess everything up!



We explored a lot of ideas to make setup easy, but the more we tried to make it easy, the more complex it got!

So… here's how we do it:

1. Set up the table where you want it. Sit it so that the legs JUST BARELY touch, but do not go into, the floor.

2. Rez the stool. Set it up so that the shadow is just visible, but not above the floor.

3. Sit on the stool, go to Masc or Fem menu, go to "Tech Work" menu, and pick the "Laptop" pose. Note where the props are.

4. Rotate and move the stool to fit the table. (Psst… You can move the stool with YOU sitting on it.) Raise/lower the table as needed.

5. Click the "Laptop" Pose again.

6. Repeat steps 2 - 5 until you get the props on the table.


7. Rez the 2nd table and slide it under the props. Adjust for the leans/stands. (You can move the table while you are leaning, reading, mixing, etc. as it is independent of the stool.



1. Simple, affordable, versatile, and flexible.

2. Quality mesh parts

3. Quality animations

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See item in Second Life
  • Simple, affordable, versatile, and flexible.
  • Quality animations