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"TB" Beatiful vintage bay window display for shops; 2 versions included M1097 M1114

"TB" Beatiful vintage bay window display for shops; 2 versions included M1097 M1114

Thank you for your interest in this vintage window display as common found in old European stores.

This mesh it typically made to be used against a wall. There is not geometry (transparent) on the side of the wall.

The box contains two version of the display. The appearance of both is exactly the same.
1. Low landimpact version with the meshes combined, doors can not be opened
2. Higher Landimpact version that can be made fully "functional"
Both can be taxtured in the traditional way. If you use the UV and AO maps it's recommnded to texture the "full" version. The textures can be used on both versions.

Included in the box:
4 sample sets with ambient oclusions applied
A. version with Li of 2
B. High Li version AO closed
C. High Li version AO open
D. High Li version AO exploded
This just to show the different options you have, of course you can mix the AOs to your liking in a graphic program to texture.

Each ambient occlusion has a alpha equivalent.

If you apply AO's in Photoshop or Gimp it is strongly recommended to use the alpha AO Map (no black lines)

This mesh has been made to be used with UV maps. The UV's are made in such way that you have a minimum nuisance with seams. For Li reasons I didn't make as many texture faces as the other products, some skills with photoshop, gimp, corel.... will be needed to texture.

If you need help to handle the UV or AO maps, herewith some links of tuts I made earlier.


The rezzed object can be seen in my store.

You can change and combine pieces of the occlusion maps, just mind that you keep them on the same position or things will go wrong.

Please note that you get 1024*1024 maps so that you can work with the best possible detail. To upload it is recommended to reduce the scale of the textures and test what gives the best result for you.

This item has a very strong LOD, though it is always recommended to set your viewers LOD level at 4.

It is better not to go beyond LOD4 level, first of all grids don't use it.

This mesh has been made to be used with UV maps. The UV's are made in such way that you have a minimum nuisance with seams.

End user license agreement
All textures/sulptmaps sold by Zed Tremont and or Twice Baked "TB" in short, or any other name which I may choose in InWorldz, Second Life or any other inworld grid are produced by Zed Tremont (TB) and/or the graphic artist(s) doing business under that name are protected under international copyright law and may not be used without licence/permission.

We highly esteem ethics and do not resell protected work from other artists or make “derivate textures” of other people unless fundamentally changed and even then only with explicit permission of the other artist.

Any work purchased is of Twice Baked (Zed Tremont) is subject to the Terms Of Service of Twiced Backed "TB" End user licence agreement/Terms of Service. Please do have respect for our work and respect the TOS. Please do NOT take pictures of the textures and use them this way. I try to keep my work crisp since it simply looks better. This is not done for the convience of taking pictures, screenshots or any other comparable system and the image is covered unter the protection of International Copyright Law.

By purchasing textures/sculpties/mesh or any other “raw” material of Zed Tremont (TB) you are accepting as read and fully understood the contents of this End User License Agreement and the TOS of Twisted Thorn prior to purchase.
By purchasing these items you accept to be bound by the restrictions of the TOS, this END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT and International Copyright Laws.

See item in Second Life
  • 3 full sets of ambient occlusions included
  • Low Li version look same, doors can't be opened
  • High Li version can be made full working
  • UV's made in such way that you as few as possible seams
  • realistic looking