G General

=TBM= p-47 razorback -G

=TBM= p-47 razorback -G

=TBM= p-47 razorback -G

sculpties: Rafaell Sorbet,
textures: Mustang2 Bing,
scripts: tania Bouvier.

single seat airplane,
32 prims, very realistic sculpties & textures,
VICE / TCS weapon systems,
2 cannons + bombs,
landing gears system,
movable canopy,
movable ailerons, rudder,....,
cruise mode + acrobatic mode,

2 versions in the box:
scripted version + DISPLAY version (not scripted).

easy to use !!!

0% = idle,
10% = taxiway,
20% = landing mode,
30% = take off mode / cruise mode,
40% = cruise mode,
50% to 100% ====>> acrobatique mode.

enjoy ^^

See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Good Flight Script
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 03, 2013 by Jolene Wingtips

I have almost 150 planes, and have been flying for over 3 years in SL. I was really surprised how well the scripts were written. I've paid a lot more for other WWII combat planes, that could not fly half this well. I would rank this flight script very close to the Shana Carpool Scripts. I am very happy with my purchase (for once) and will purchase from this creator again. I personally think that TBM could sell this plane for twice this amount, better jump on this bargain while you can..............LOL.........Blue Skies everyone :)

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