*TC* Cutesy Shorts OMEGA Applier
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This includes;
- HUD with OMEGA applier only.
- 6 Options.
To wear the applier you must have a
"Omega System Relay HUD"
worn at the SAME time while you're using this applier.
How to use the Applier:
1. Wear your Omega Relay HUD.
2. Wear TekilaCandy's Applier HUD.
3. Click on the buttons to apply.
You need to be on a land that allows scripts for the applier to work.
(Some mesh bodies require that the clothing layer is already activated BEFORE you apply)
★ Delivery Problems? Drop me a Notecard.
- Sexy Jeans Shorts
- OMEGA Appliers
L$ 80
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
Works with Mesh Avatars
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- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed
Automatic redelivery