A total of 30 baked textured for Sign Pack 6. Various spooky sayings!
Mesh *not* included!
Full ToS available to view on our website!
Basic Version:
Maps are only to be used within Second Life, this also means that you CANNOT export an object created using these maps and import them to another grid. The grid in which the map is purchased is the only grid in which the map can be used. A license for additional grids, such as InWorldz or AviNation is available by purchasing the maps at the location of Treasured Cove within that grid.
Please do not share sculpt maps. They may not be sold, transferred, or given away to any other avatars, people or accounts with full permissions.
Objects that are created using the sculpts maps may not under any circumstances be transferred to another avatar with both copy and transfer permissions enabled. Only copy, only transfer, copy & modify, OR transfer & modify is acceptable but NEVER Copy, Modify & Transfer OR Copy & Transfer.
See item in Second Life