G 全般

Copper Water Kettle FULL PERM

Copper Water Kettle FULL PERM

Copper Water Kettle FULL PERM
Old antique copper water kettle

AO map
diffuse map
normal map
specular map

Direct SLurl to HoloVendor at:

The components can be used in your own builds and sold by you.
The permissions must be changed before selling your product and must NOT be transferred with full permissions or Copy / Transfer permissions.
You can change the permissions to Mod/Copy or simply No Mod / No Copy / Transfer
All components included in this pack come with full permission.

You can not sell the items as stand alone.
You are not permitted to give any Tsunami Japanese/Chinese Creations products away as free gifts.
A minimum charge of 100L must be made for any build containing any of these parts.


X Distribute, give away, or resell items in this builders pack.
X Give away or sell this object as full permissions.
X Distribute this product with both copy and transfer permissions.
X Distribute this product as part of a freebie.
X Distribute or use this product outside the virtual world Second Life . By purchasing any of
goods in Second Life, you are paying the license for that world only.

- Builders can use the items of this package as a component part to create the buildings they sell in Second Life, but the permissions settings should be COPY and MODIFY or MODIFY and TRANSFER.

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