This is an add-on only for your Espen head! (RYLT version)
Full mod: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/TCH-RYLT-Furry-Mod-BoM-MF-PGAdult/23040896
BoM head layer
Applier for BoM heads (materials + lashes)
Full applier for non BoM heads!
EYES ARE NOT INCLIDED, if you're interested in them: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/TCH-EIX-BoM-Eye-Pack/24193915
Anyway, here's some helpful reminders:
• If your lashes start clipping with your head (alpha layering errors), please make sure your head is set NOT to "alpha blending" but to "NONE", that will fix the issue!.
• This mod does not have the 1st fluff option (works with 2 and none), I could not comfortably fit this texture onto the parts without making it look strange.
Have any questions/issues? Do not hesitate to contact
Lovely addon to a lovely skin
I've had the old RYLT mod on my wishlist for ages, but never got around to buying the heads it used. I adore the Espen so when this came out I was thrilled - and it was totally worth the money. For the original mod, if you're using the Apricot Paws Handy Paws/Peety Feets with this, I recommend using the "shading only" marking layers that come with those parts to add some additional depth to the hands and feet, as they feel a little flat. However, the colors and markings are really gorgeous and appealing so it's well worth that small amount of DIY :)