The Calendar Creator is an easy to use tool to create your own calendars to sell or give away. The calendar is 100% mesh and configured by notecard. Just include the UUID's of the pictures you want each month, and the script handles the rest. Even the month grid is controlled by the same notecard, so there is no need to purchase this again. You can create your own calendar grid images, or purchase a pre-created calendar grid.
* Individual Image for each month of the year
* Individual Image for each calendar month (day grid)
* Single Image for the back of the calendar
* Single Image for the logo in the center of the calendar.
* Menu change for the months of the year.
* Give Landmark when clicking on the logo.
* Set your own text for the month names and the menu, so you can have the calendar in your own language.
User Licensed:
* The calendar cannot be sold with full permissions. It must be at least no-modify.
* Rename the calendar and include your own images.
This version of the Calendar Creator includes the Calendar Grid for 2024.
For more information, please view the Calendar Creator FAQ page:
- Image and Calendar Grid for each month
- Customize in your own language
- Create your own grid images
- Give landmark when touching center image
- Customized via Config notecard