do your dubiously moral sapient lab experiments keep escaping? do you need to warn the public about their various dangerous properties? do you have too many of them? can't tell them apart? wish you had some way to look at them and go like, "oh yeah, that one's the biter"? boy do i have a product for YOU!
the [TERATO] Lab Ear Tags are a set of 3 differently shaped UNRIGGED ear tags, similar to those used on laboratory mice and farm animals. they are loaded with a BOUNTY of customization options, with each style of tag having it's own options for every part! check out the listing pictures for a preview of all the options!
in this package:
- 1x Plate-style Ear Tag
- 1x Button-style Ear Tag
- 1x Clip-style Ear Tag
- 2x HUDs (one for button + clip, one for plate)
- 1x extras box with many extras for modding (including UV maps and full perm textures)
- 1x instructions and tips notecard
- my love, and maybe some residual slime (sorry about that)
all items, are of course, fully copy and mod-- if the items appear as no-mod, it's only due to scripts! i am happy to answer any modding questions or problems you have about this item.
these work best on unrigged or static ears, but you may have some success attaching them to bento ears by using the alt ear attachment points! but, ymmv depending on the animation and mesh of your ear
this item is CHEAPER inworld, and there is a demo of the HUD inworld as well:
See item in Second Life