~TFW~ Nana_twin_shelf Versão 1.000_20190115

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- Nana Twin Shelf (copy & mod), only the scripts inside are no mod.

(Read if bored, otherwise skip)
Person A: "How do you know those bananas are twins? Like is there a tell-tale sign?."
Person B: "Intuition, I use that."
— Fictional Excerpt from a dialogue at a Banana garden.

A total of 3Li, (varies with size) for Nana Twin Shelf, 双蕉架. Nana Twin Shelf has been made with (diffuse) textures that are monochromatic, with varying shades of black and white to allow for the owner to have it in any colour they wish within SL. Specular maps and Normal tmaps are also used.

In addition, the mesh itself has been separated into 8 faces / sides to allow for greater degree of colouration. There are a total of 4 doors (separated into 3 faces) which are functional, and can be opened/closed with a touch..

- Textures kept black/white to allow re-colouration
- Multiple faces/sides
- 2.0m (L) by 1.0m (W) by 1.9m (H)
- Simple touch menu (touch green part)
- Advanced material textures (Specular and Normals)
- 4 Functional doors
- Simple textured base shadow

All mesh objects, textures and scripts in Nana Twin Shelf, 双蕉架 have been self made by me unless stated otherwise in the credits below :).

*Images above taken in-world with advanced lighting switched on (along with shadows and ambient occlusion), with depth of field toggled on plus a little fiddling of the SL environment editor with my magical fingers and without additional effects.

- Texture [Modified & edited]:
> Kraft Paper Texture + (Maps) Seme Design Lab from Texturise
- http://www.texturise.club/2014/03/kraft-paper-texture-maps.html?m=1

- Script [Modified & edited]
> Smooth Rotating Linked Door With Hinge by Lyn Mimistrobell
- http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Smooth_Rotating_Linked_Door_With_Hinge

- Used in Backdrop for Ad [Modified and edited]:
> Seamless Concrete Floor (Maps) by Seme Design Lab from Texturise
- http://www.texturise.club/2013/08/seamless-concrete-floor-maps.html

> Ripe bananas composition Free Photo By Freepik from freepik
- https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/ripe-bananas-composition_1509691.htm

> Various conditions of banana Free Photo By Freepik from freepik
- https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/various-conditions-of-banana_1509692.htm



  • 100% original mesh
  • Advanced material textures (Specular and Normals)
  • Textures kept black/white to allow re-colouration, multiple faces/sides
  • 4 Functional doors
  • Simple touch menu (touch green part)

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Vendido por: LucidiaErsatz Littlepaws
É necessário desempacotar

Esse item requer que você encontre um lugar no Second Life (como uma sandbox) para desempacotá-lo e usá-lo.

  • 0 estrelas 0 Resenhas

  • Autorizações:
    Copiar Modificar Transferir Licenciado para o usuário
    Consulte os detalhes do produto para obter as informações de permissão
  • Re-entrega automática
  • Impacto no terreno: 3
  • Mesh: 100% Mesh