❄Thynome Vector Foundation❄
-Thank you for shopping with us-
= In collaboration with Skyward Heavy Industries =
Product is designed to work with Advanced Lighting Model.
Product may look differently from advertised images based on viewer settings.
Resizing, linking, and unlinking may increase or decrease land impact.
Reset scripts after any moodifications such as scaling or linking items.
Please read the included user manual for detailed instructions and usage.
The interstellar courior shuttle: Elsa!
Designed for transporting of goods or personal between worlds and vessels.
Compact for storing in the most inconvenient locations to keep out of the way.
Installed with Simulation Style Features, Shergood GPS, and GTFO ready.
- Security System! Owner, Public, Group, and Notecard.
- Simulation Style Startup! Master>Apu>S1>S2>AUX
- Simulation Style System! Please read user manual.
- Components Access! Will be expanded upon updates.
- Shergood GPS! Will connect to Shergood ATC.
- GTFO Ready! Comes installed with GTFO and 28 FU of cargo.
- Quick Start & Stop! Just type s to start and go.
- Pilot & Copilot Controls! Switchable on the fly.
- Flight Ready! Hover, Flight, & Mouselook modes.
- Lighting System! Nav, Beacon, Landing, and more.
- Voice Overs! Plays audio for commands and togglable.
- Jump Drive! Jump the shuttle to different heights on a region.
- Scene Rezzer! Each can hold up to 9 scenes.
- Mod and Hue Tintable! Reset scripts after any mods.
- Scaleable! Reset scripts after any modification or scaling.
- Materials Enabled! Requires "Advanced Lighting Model' to be enabled
- More features will come as the shuttle receives updates.
❄Land Impact & Scale
- Elsa Shuttle Taxi - 76LI
- Elsa Shuttle Cargo - 76LI
- Length 9m, Width 4m, Height 3m
- All mesh and scenes are copy, mod, and no transfer.
- All scripts are copy, no mod, and no transfer.
- The update card and product box no mod, copy, and no transfer
❄Contact Info:
Please contact TailBlue in case of issues or suggestions for current or future products.
❄Discord Invite Link:
❄In-world Group:
- Simulation Style Roleplay Features & Rescalable
- Flight Ready - Hover, Flight, & Mouselook (Gestures Included)
- Security System - Owner, Public, Group, Notecard
- Moddable, Hue Tintable, Scaleable - Reset Scripts Afterwards!
- Materials Enabled - Requires "Advanced Lighting Model"
This one fly very well , one Taxi and another with more option inside.
i do taxi in sl with this one.
Only one thing , it is possible to remove the written over the shuttle ?
this one fly very well , i dont need all these writen , like speed etc...
Wonderfull little shuttle in just the perfect size , use it now for some weeks and be absolute satisfied with it in all points. no need to write books here , just buy one
Just Amazing....perfect for our world
We just built a cyberpunk/Bright world and this ship is just the top of the Top. Made exceptionally well. I love the controls you can access via mouse look and you can adjust power and such. Its a perfect ship for our Emergency service here at Feytasia.
Neat shuttle!
Honestly this is a first for me, seeing actual wheels on a sci-fi spacecraft but honestly I love that about it, plus all the little details of the ship that make it a great RP prop AND a fun ship to fly.
While I will say the flight mode is a bit sluggish overall the ship handles quite well in both hover and flight modes and I can't wait to test this out on a future Grid Drive and/or RP sim.
Very nicely done and it's good to see this creator making more of these ships again. I can't wait to see what else they come up with.
ITS got all the stuff... wait where is the cupholders?
So I'm giving this a 4 star cause... where is the cupholders?.. Shame. but lets talk about the things that got it the 4 stars. Details. This ship is as much as a useable vehicle as it can be a center of RP for sci fi. For me SL is all about RP and eye candy. so things need to look pretty and have function.
She has the look that can fit into star trek as well as and general sci fi. and you look at the nose of the craft. we got tow hook locations for when the new guy messes up. now my favorite The engine room its got all the bells and whistles. So engineers your gonna love it. the shape of the craft over all you get a future like feel with some modern feel starting at the nose to the tail end.
So lets talk about possibility's.
ITS MOD! meaning its ability's are not stopping coming out of the box. So should someone be sad about their ego Hight and cant fit in. UPSIZE IT cause you can. but in doing so you will lose its compactness to fit into other ships hangar bays but its nothing to cry over odd are the 7 foot tall folks don't fit in a good amount of places. The flight system in the last 48 hours since i saw it launch there was some bugs but The creator is listening and hot fixes are on the Fly. So with that i can say confidence in this product is high cause If you find something thats actually a issue the creator is on it and they take pride in their work. But damn it where is my cupholders?
Cannot recommend. Several serious issues.
It is a very pretty craft. Good lines and good color. And it has an impressive array of features. However, it has a few glaring flaws. Firstly, the roof is about seven foot. So any avatar over this height will not fit will without their head sticking through the roof. Secondly, it has a tendency to crash SL, cease functioning (requiring a reboot), or otherwise boot out the avatar flying it when attempting a normal crossing of a sim border. Thirdly, the 'flight' mode is almost completely uncontrollable. Fourthly, the 'hover' mode which does work makes the craft stutter repeatedly and constantly raise and lower speed while in flight. These issues make it very, very difficult to use for GTFO and limit it severely as a pleasurable flying vehicle. It is my hope that the bugs will eventually be corrected to actually make it worth its asking price.