Honey Bee Onesie with animated Wings, Walksound and a ZipiCom Hud. Walk sound comes Menu Controlled. The Avatar and Skin is not included. This Box includes a Dinkies Cat and a Dinkies Bunny Version.
DINKIES ZIPPIE are cute themed Onesies for the Dinkies Cat AND Bunny Avatar by Etheria Parrott Tiny INC..
ZipiCom is a custom Communicator that allows you to communicate with every other ZipiCom owner near to you. Each ZipiCom has its own unique sounds to suit your new Dinkies Zippie.
You will need a v1.9 (or above) Dinkie Cat or Bunny. This will allow the avatar's ears to be automatically hidden when the Zippie is worn.
There are many styles of Zippie, and many have ears, horns or animated tails, or other attachments.
Check out our other Dinkies Zippie creations. There are over 60 different zippies and seven different categories: The Garden Edition / The Fantasy Edition / The Asia Edition / The Safari Edition / The Forest Edition / The Hero Edition / The Farm Edition.
Please also note our special zippie BIRTHDAY EDITION called GIFTWRAPPED.
- ZipiCom
- Onesie with animated Wings
- 100% Mesh
- Walksound control via menu