A wonderful bunch of signs perfect for any Meeroo Merchant. A scroll based background with an image of Mayan ruins. Various different Meeroos were happy to pose for the pictures used to create these!*
These signs are all 1 prim. They are both copy and modify so you can change them, add a little glow if you like, put out as many you want even.
As the Meeroos grow, there will be expansion packs for this sign package(all very low priced). However if you'd like a custom sign made from this design, please contact me in world and I would be more than happy to make that for you.
There are 9 signs total in this package-we found these to be the most *currently desired and asked for signs. We will be making more as the Meeroo game progresses.
Signs include:
For Sale
For Trade
*Please note, none of the Meeroo images used on this set, or ANY of our items are from the Meeroo images the company has given us. These are my own images, taken of my own Meeroos, and adapted for use in products. Selling any portion of the images we are provided by the company is not permitted and we would never do such a thing. :)