G General

TM Mesh Skeleton Tip Jar

TM Mesh Skeleton Tip Jar

A fun tip jar with particle burst and ghostly sound.

It is mesh and 4 land impact as it comes. It grows in land impact as you stretch it as all mesh objects do.

To change the tip jar name, edit the name then either touch it or re-rez it.

Touch for a menu.

Turn particles on or off - It comes with a skull texture inside the contents, but you use your own texture instead.
You can add a texture to the contents tab of the Edit tool to poof that texture when paid instead of the default texture. It will use the first texture in contents (sorted top down).

It come with a ghostly sound in the contents that you can turn on off or on in the menu. You can replace this sound with your own.

Change text color:

Reset Tips

Public thank you message with tipper's name
Private IM to you with the tipper's name and amount tipped.

25,50, 100, 200 button amounts.

Copy and Modify (no modify script)