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.:~*TM3*~:. [Petite] Midnight Run

.:~*TM3*~:. [Petite] Midnight Run

The Mewling Mad Modder presents the new line of clothing, Casuals and Petite Casuals. There is no muss, no fuss, no fantasy... just plain comfort.

Petite Casuals, small prices for small avas. Knowing how much a petite avatar can run, I feel the need to start a clothing line of grand quality wears at insane prices. It shouldn't have to cost you an arm and a leg to look good, especially in today's economic down fall. So now, in-world and in the market place, you can get your petite clothing. Though if you're so inclined to help me keep cost down, please buy/gift my items or even drop a donation at my in-world shop.
Those donations go towards helping me keep my prices down and my group and its limited time gifts free for my members. Thanks much and I hope you enjoy.

***** PLEASE NOTE *****
Items in-world are usually cheaper, anywhere from 10-50% off.


See item in Second Life