Top Striker ~ Full body tattoo " Floyd ".
White or tintable, amazing tattoo for art works or role play !
Full pack colors. To color your tattoo please use your body mesh HUD.
Tattoo not showing on body or head? Do not write a bad comment for this !
Please note that the most part of queries that about mesh bodies, can be solved if you take your time reading mesh bodies/head instructions , about tattoo layers, and how use the body/head mesh HUD for set up Tattoo layers.
* Appliers HUD Omega System ( for compatible body and hands ).
* Standard Avatar Tattoo
* Belleza Applier
* Slink Applier
*Signature adds Tattoo with Omega HUD automatically- no need relay HUD.
You might need the Omega "relay" HUD for your mesh body what is not listed here.
- Belleza
- Signature
- Classic Ava
- Slink