This is a Fat Pack
Includes ALL:
Chest Piercings
Spinal Piercings
Belly Piercings
Tooshie Piercings
L+R Upper Leg Piercings
L+R Lower Leg Piercings
100% Original Mesh
Requires Mesh Compatible Viewer
All items are ready to wear(right-click and wear in inventory) . Items are copyable, but not transferable. Please do make a copy of the item, before you decide to edit positions.
If there are any questions please feel free to IM me (Snitcher Resident) in-world or leave me a notecard. Custom colours and script edits are free of charge. ( Conditions may apply, IM or give me a notecard for special customs BEFORE purchase). Refunds will not be given. Duplicated purchases will be conditional; proof of transaction is required.
Please rate this product!
<3 Snitcher
- [Copy, Mod, No Trans]
- Please Unpack
- Right-Click Add from inventory
- Please make copies before Editing.
- Male or Female
Oustanding Seller and Product
Snitcher's items are amazing and she is so easy to work with on special orders. Her work is done with taste and style. I wish we could give higher than 5 stars, because she deserves it. I wear all the piercings if anyone would like to see them in world. Amazing product!