G Général

.:TT:. Child Skin Model A Templates & PSD

.:TT:. Child Skin Model A Templates & PSD

*********** GET A DEMO BEFORE BUYING ***************
This package includes:

• 39 full perm female skins
- 12 Pageant skins
- Open/Closed Mouth
- Red/Pink Lipstick
- 3 brow colors (Brown, Blond and Red)
- 12 Girl skins + 2 bonus (Christmas Stars & Cat Face painting)
- 12 Boy skins + 1 bonus (Tiger Face Painting)
- Open/closed mouth
- 3 brow colors (Brown, Blond and Red)
- Freckles/No Freckles
- 3 bonus skins: cat, tiger & Christmas star face paintings
• Upper body without female breasts (duh! Of Course!)
• Lower body different for boy and girl (but decent!)
• 7 shapes:
- a boy and a girl system shape
- a boy and a girl for Tiny Tod
- a girl and 2 boys for ToddleeDoo (see info below on why 2 boys)
• 3 eyebrow shapes:
- 1 girl and 2 boys (see info below on why 2 boys)
• 1 pair of prim eyelashes + generator to make your own
• 31 textures (1024 x 1024)
- 12 Faces for pageant girls
- 12 faces for both boys & girls
- 1 Upper Body
- 2 Lower Body
- 3 bonus face for children
• 1 download box for psd's
• 2 instruction notecards


The basic shape for a young boy is usually based on the system female shape. This way he is less muscular and more natural looking than when we use the system male basis.

The shape used in the ToddleeDoo - KidBoy must be based on a Male System Shape. If you would use the Female based shape, the neck has a nasty gap and does not fit. Unfortunately the boy’s face changes dramatically when you change a female based shape to a male based shape. For this reason you will find 2 different ToddleeDoo shapes in the pack: one based on the Male and one on the Female System Shape.

To create a Boy you can either use the

~ToddleeDoo – KidBoy Mesh Set –
use .:TT:. Boy Shape Model A (For ToddleeDoo Boy Mesh) +
.:TT:. Boys Skin Model A Hair Base (For ToddleeDoo KidBoy Mesh)


ToddleeDoo – KidGirl’ Mesh set –
use .:TT:. Boy Shape Model A (For ToddleeDoo KidGirl Mesh) +
.:TT:. Boys Skin Model A Hair Base


The packet contains:
3 psd files
- 1 psd for the Face
- 1 psd for the Upper Body
- 1 psd for the Lower Body

The files have separate layers for the bases, the shades and highlights - All details have separate layers and therefore
you will be able to change the skin and make it your own!

BEWARE!! You need proper software to be able to make alternations to the files. These files were made in PhotoShop CS3. They can be altered with Photoshop or Gimp (Gimp is free software you can find at www.gimp.org).


You are allowed to use the textures for your own skins or to make skins that you will sell.

Do NOT sell the textures full perm,
Do NOT sell or give away the skins full perm or copy/transfer.
Do NOT use these textures or the ones that come from the PSD files in any full perm template set that you make.
Do NOT share the textures or the PSD files with anyone. They are meant to be used by you and only you!
Do NOT sell skins directly made from Trendy Templates™ jpg files or unchanged uploads from the psd files for less than 49L$ per skin.

Read more on http://trendytemplates.me/enduser_licence_agreement/

Since most of the items are full perm or no transfer there is NO REFUND of items

5% discount at Mainstore

Voir l'article dans Second Life