G General

.:TT:. Female Skin - Model A NO PSD

.:TT:. Female Skin - Model A NO PSD

*********** GET A DEMO BEFORE BUYING ***************

This package includes:

• 108 full perm female skins
- 2 skin tones ( SunTan and Tan)
- Torso with or without cleavage
- 3 pubic hair styles (Full, Brazilian Strip and Shaven)
- 3 make-up styles (Natural, Afternoon and Evening)
- 3 brow colors (Brown, Blond and Red)
• Upper and Lower body version special for Mesh Avatars
• 1 Full perm Shape to get the exact look as on the vendor
• 1 hair base to get the same eyebrow setting
• 1 pair of prim eyelashes + generator to make your own
• 1 tattoo layer for tintable eyeshadow
• 1 face light with menu
• 33 textures (1024 x 1024)
- 18 Faces
- 6 Upper Body
- 8 Lower Body
- 1 Eyeshadow Tattoo
• 1 instruction notecard

More info on the included notecard

.:TT:. Female Model A NO PSD
.:TT:. Female Model A Make Up and Hair with or without PSD
.:TT:. Femlae Model A Appliers for Lola's Tango

See related items


You are allowed to use the textures for your own skins or to make skins that you will sell.

Do NOT sell the textures full perm,
Do NOT sell or give away the skins full perm or copy/transfer.
Do NOT use these textures or the ones that come from the PSD files in any full perm template set that you make.
Do NOT share the textures or the PSD files with anyone. They are meant to be used by you and only you!
Do NOT sell skins directly made from Trendy Templates™ jpg files or unchanged uploads from the psd files for less than 49L$ per skin.

Read more on http://trendytemplates.wordpress.com/rules-for-merchants/

Since most of the items are full perm or no transfer there is NO REFUND of items

5% discount at Mainstore

See item in Second Life