* Tabby Kitty Cat Animesh Pet v1.1 *
Animesh Kitty Pet Attachment
IMPORTANT NOTE :- This pet is made with animesh. At the time of writing this, it is a very new feature provided by LL to animated mesh objects in SL. Because it is so new, you may not be able to see it properly in all third party viewers until they have implemented the feature.
To use this cat please right click on it in your inventory and select 'wear' It should attach to the 'avatar center' attachment point. Please DO NOT USE ANOTHER POINT as kitty will not work properly if you do.
When the cat is attached he will meow occasionally. If he is hungry or not feeling too happy his meowing frequency will increase. If he is unhappy, his meowing will have a complaining tone. You can touch him to display a options menu. This has a button to feed him and stroke him. If the meowing really gets too much you can also click the options button and mute him but this is not nice :( as he will still get hungry and shirty with you....you just wont know about it.
The options menu also allows you to change his eye color, and display some stats so you know how hungry and happy he is (in case the meowing is not enough! )
Copyright 2018 Abranimations (r)
See item in Second Life