G Général

Target Cosplay Men's Top Freebie!

Target Cosplay Men's Top Freebie!

Target cosplay men's top comes boxed - please rez to unpack.
Perfect for your everyday role play!

Comes ONLY for:
-Slink Male
-TMP Male
-Belleza Jack

yes copy no mod no trans
L$0 Freebie

✧ Join the "I AM 8-BiT" group for product updates, customer service support, and free stuff:
→ http://world.secondlife.com/group/17ae8add-c4a8-9a57-a5c6-7ed146d72176

I am a super casual player and as such do not log in often so my IMs cap - if you have an issue please reach out via notecard - or hit me up on my actual social media - I don't mind. You can find a link to me on my profile.

Thank you so much for your interest and/or purchase!
I hope you have an amazing day + week + life!

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