G General

..::Tasty::.. Deceased Alien Invasion //FULL PERM// (p)

..::Tasty::.. Deceased Alien Invasion //FULL PERM// (p)

* Materials Enabled Items

Within This Pack You'll Find The - Deceased Alien Invasion Pack


100% FULL PERM And 100% Mesh With Materials Layers Enabled.

..::Tasty::.. Deceased Alien Invasion (1) - 1 Land Impact
..::Tasty::.. Deceased Alien Invasion (2) - 1 Land Impact
..::Tasty::.. Deceased Alien Invasion (3) - 1 Land Impact
..::Tasty::.. Deceased Alien Invasion (4) - 1 Land Impact
..::Tasty::.. Deceased Alien Invasion (5) - 1 Land Impact


I've Brought These In On A MEDIUM LOD Factor, Bringing Them In Any Higher Would Have Raised The Land Impact Limit, So I do Hope You're Satisfied With The End Product.

Perfect For The Sci-Fi Fans Within Second Life!

High Detailed, And Super Realistic, 100% Mesh, Materials Enabled, And ONLY 1 Land Impact For EACH Of The Alien Bodies!

You'll Find Each Of The Necessary Textures Also Included Within This Pack For Easy Modification By You.


By purchasing Any item from TASTY, you automatically agree to the following terms -

You ARE allowed to:

- Modify and use the products after purchase as a part of your OWN creations.
- Sell items you purchase, but ONLY AFTER modifying it to your own creation, & NOT as a Full Perm Item.

You are NOT allowed to:

- Distribute any TASTY product with full permissions.
- Distribute any TASTY product as a "Freebie" and or below a price of 100L
- Distribute any TASTY product "as is" upon your prior purchase.
- Distribute and or advertise any product with the TASTY Logo, packaging or packaging textures.
- Distribute and or use any item from TASTY outside of Second Life, with the exception of marketplace.

Have Fun & ENJOY