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Teal Mackerel - EC Mermaid Tail Mod

Teal Mackerel - EC Mermaid Tail Mod

This Product is a Texture Mod for the Evolved Creatures Mermaid Tail.

You can Purchase the Tail here:

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Correction to Review...it DOES work.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 29, 2017 by Msblu Moonwall

The creator contacted me after my first review. I typically DO contact designers if items do not work/wrong etc, but here lately more have NOT been getting in contact with me (so for that I apologize to you Luke). The applier does work. Please do make of copy of your tail first!!. It's beautiful. I had to drag my tail out of my inventory and put to the floor and then I had to drag the texture to each part of the tail. Took only a minute or two, and not quite like how I was told, but never-the-less the texture DOES work. So pretty!

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