G Generell

TeeglePet Pony Unicorn Horn Silver Viking Valkyrie Designed

TeeglePet Pony Unicorn Horn Silver Viking Valkyrie Designed

This is made to fit the Shetland Pony, though it will fit the larger TeeglePets, only it will look petite on them.

Handmade mesh horn designed to match the texture appliers for the Jinx Pegasus Wings and Valkyrie Designed Teegle Skins.

These are for TeeglePet animals, not for any other brand of horses!
Worn on the TeeglePet horses and Unicorn
You will rezz and link to the animesh animals as you would any other accessory. Animal, wings, skins, and accessories are NOT INCLUDED.
1 Li when linked to animal
You will receive one designed mesh horn.

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