Some of Our very best Gothic Desert themed textures is now for sale.
Download DEMO and see our most popular and magnificent textures.
12 of the very very best Terrain & Ground textures ever seen in Second Life.
Handcrafted and carefully created to suit the needs for Norwegian / Iceland & Scottish Hights themed build.
Download DEMO textures added on MnM Boulders.
The Textures are not for repackaging, reselling or gifting. You are allowed to use them in your own Builds or Creations up for sale in SL.
The Textures in this pack is therefor only to be sold as part of another object, never as stand alone.
Content of this package is to be purchased under a limited user agreement. If it has been passed to you by anyone other than the creator, that person is in violation of this agreement and should be reported to MnM Designs - Lie Rang, so that legal action can be taken to stop content theives.
The creator of this product is very comfortable pursuing legal action should this agreement be violated.
See item in Second Life- High Definition
- Seamless
- 512x512 24 Bits TGA fileformat