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Tesla Tech --- Turbo Lift System Version 2.0

Tesla Tech --- Turbo Lift System
Tesla Tech --- Turbo Lift System
1 Review

Turbo Lift System

Tesla Tech's Turbo lift System this system has a number of options and can be setup to how you wold like the lifts to work and we have given you a number of options on the type of Lift and pad.

There are 7 different Lift Types and 2 Different PAD styles to customize the lifts system, to your needs. It can also be used as an elevator system for non ship type builds by changing to Physical and slowing the lift speed to normal.


To setup your Turbo lift system follow these steps:

1) Find a lift style you like and Rez that lift in World
2) Now right click and edit the lift and rename for the location example: Deck 1 or Bridge

3) Find a Pad style you like and rez that pad in world

4) Click the floor of the lift and choose the type of access Group setup requires you to set the lift to that group public allows anyone Guest Mode is if you are allowing guests to use the lifts

5) Right Click on the Turbo lift pad and choose RIDE LIFT a menu will appear with the locations that the pad can see pick the new location

NOTE: You can set the PAD to park and also to WARP SPEED by clicking on the Pad and choosing Options

You can also pick the Travel mode if you pick Physical the pad will not go through walls to get from lift to Lift so make sure you have it set to NON-PHYSICAL

  • Highly Detailed
  • Great for Role Plays!
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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted June 03, 2020 by Diannah DeCuir

I followed the instructions to the letter, and it still doesn't work. Waste of money.

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L$ 195

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Tesla Tech
Tesla Tech
Sold by: Alison Redenblack

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