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- Menu Driven
- Resize Menu
- Delete Scripts Button (If you delete Scripts, Animations like Scrolling, Blinking,.. does not work anymore)
- You can write 16/32 digits / line
- More digits if you use Scroll Text Feature
- You can use seperate colors / line
- Left Text, Right Text, Center Text, Blink Text, Scroll Text
- Moderator Menu (you can add Moderaters they can setup the Textboard)
- Group Mode (you can activate Group Access)
- Notecard Reader (you can Drop a Notecard with the Text, Text automatic shows on the Textboard)
- Style Changer (you can change the Style. 12 Textures included)
- Color Picker to wear (Helps you to find the correct Color Code)
DOES NOT WORK!!!!! ... everything works minus the actual scrolling!! Scrolling does not work