G General

The Blade of Wrath

The Blade of Wrath

So it was as Clan Silverhammer, after years of exile and wandering had found their final home in the Realm of Kroagnon, But their Steward, Thono Hammerthall, knew that a dire time was drawing nigh. . .the banishment of the Great Demon Glabrezu, who had held an ancient grudge against him for centuries, was about to come to an end.

Glabrezu was the fiend who was responsible for the fall of the land of Arwynd, and who nearly destroyed Thono a hundred years before, but the heroic acts of his allies had banished him yet again for a century, and revealed the riches of the beloved Silver Mountains, but Glabrezu sent hellspawned agents to lay The Silver Mountains to waste and the Dwarves of Clan Silverhammer were left in exlie.

Now the time of Glabrezu's rising was nigh, Thono had devised a mad plan. . .before the demon could return to this world, he would enlist the aid of a powerful mage and he and his Dwarven allies would enter the Abyss and confront and slay him on his own plan, thus destroying him forever.

For this task, The Dwarves crafted new weapons and armor, that bore the crest and insignia of no clan, but rather that of the Golden Dragon, an ancient Dwarven Symbol of vengance. . .Their armor was to be Jet black, appointed with gold, and their weapons are were all enchanted with eh highest magics that the Dwarves posessed. Thono himself called his Axe "Ukaalrumm ald Vengstit" or in the common tongue "The Purveyor of Vengance" and it bore the inscription "The Purveyor of Vengance, Enemies of the Dwarves Beware". His Companions called themselves the "Dwarven Avengers", and they bore weapons all with the same inscription.

Scripted for Unity Maxim