A fun and funky way to strut your stuff in Second Life.
A heel to wear with your Slink or Tonic High Feet.
Be sure to wear the Shoe Base which comes with the feet.
A Right and Left "unrigged" heel is included in case you wish to work with Feet I have not tested ;-D
Still sink into the ground?
Try changing the Hover Height.
1. Right Click on Avatar and select Hover Height. Change the numbers here by using the slider until you get the results you want.
2. Edit your avatar Under Body, set Hover to adjust your avie.
Each sale helps Rah financially with the community college courses she teaches on Game Theory/Design Principles and Computer Programming which incorporate Second Life.
There are no refunds. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
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I love getting feedback on the products. It helps me to become a better creator and challenges me to bring more to the Second Life Community...as well as to my class.
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Be happy ;-)
Rah Rehula
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