G Generell

The Christmas Megapack

The Christmas Megapack

You can see this and all my Snowy and Christmas Items in world here...

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The Christmas Megapack - a Huge collection of quality Christmas Items,everything you need and more for the festive season.

Almost everything has copy perms, there are a couple of full perms items and a couple of transfer only.

Heres whats in the box...

Animated Christmas backdrops these really set the scene for your Virtual Christmas, they feature a cute snowy scene and feature moving clouds and gently falling snow.

There are 4 backdrops in all which can be used individually or joined together to form an almost seamless display up to 100metres long

I have supplied 2 sizes 20x25metre no mod and 10x10metre modify, both sets have copy perms. 4 prims each backdrop

Christmas and New Year Balloons - 12 Christmas designs and 12 New Year designs of mylar style balloons, I have packed them singly and in some nice bunches to save you time. Copy Mod 2 prims each

Sculpty Candy Cane with sculpty bows, copy mod, make it as big or small as you like, 11prims

Particle Trees these make a cool decoration without eating up too many prims, all 7 colours are included with copy perms so you can create a nice display. 16 prims each

Christmas Garlands Fir garland with red bows and flashing lights, Tinsel garlands in seven colours all with flashing lights, Snowy Fir garland with flashing lights, Poinsettia Garland with flashing lights. copy, mod, 1 prim each.

Christmas Signs A Merry Christmas sign and a Happy Holidays sign. 1 prim each copy, mod make em big!

The Ultimate Christmas Tree Wonderfully bushy and realistic Christmas Tree made with unique sculpts, you can choose from 30 different decorations, 15 different Tree colours, 12 Tinsel Colours, 9 Flashing Particle colours, easy click to change operation.
48 prims each copy, mod

Fireplace and Christmas Stockings A nice warm fire with Christmas Stockings hanging from the mantle, the stcokings are also packed individually if you want to dot them around as decorations.

Christmas Lights Six sets of my best selling lights, Flashing coloured lights, Icicle lights both of these are click to change colour, Flashing Snowflake lights, Flashing Santa Lights. Flashing Snowman Lights, Flashing Rudolph Lights, All copy, mod, 1 prim each

Santas - Santa in his sleigh pulled by eight reindeer, 3 versions of this included, 10 metre rotating, 20 metre rotating and static. Roaming Santa a big fat Santa with 'HoHoHo' sound. copy, mod, 5 prims and 2 prims

Giant Baubles - 6 shiny baubles in different colours, they look great if you make them huge (I had to shrink them for the photo). 1 prim each. copy, mod

Animated Gift boxes- Beautiful Gift Boxes with Sculpty bows, 2 designs 2 boxes for each design 1 box 1 cylinder, with click to open operation, drop in your gift, and it will give on click. With transfer perms
They also make nice props. 9 prims per box

Merry Christmas Animated banner you really need to see this one.Its a big sign with animated snowmen and owls!

Mistletoe Giver You can wear this one, it sits conveniently, slighty in front and above your head, rez it as a normal object if you prefer, it features a nice mistletoe texture with a bow and hover text 'Click for free Mistletoe' click it and it gives away a copy of itself minus the hover text.1 prim copy, mod, given Mistletoe is full perms

Santa Hat Giver Big Santa Hat with hovertext click it for a nice full perms Santa hat. 1 prim, copy, mod

The very best way to say 'Merry Christmas' this year.
The Ultimate Christmas Card swings open when clicked, emits pretty snowflake particles and plays a laid back christmas tune. The message inside is altered with a simple notecard, and appears in a nice handwriting script, not floating text. You can modify size from regular card size right up to a huge one if you so desire. Transfer perms obviously!. I have included 5 different designs. 21 prims each

Christmas Wreaths 2 lovely festive wreaths with flashing lights.
1 prim copy, mod

All of this for an unbeatable price!

Everything above is available seperately please see my other listings
Check my other items for lots more Winter and Christmas things
Ziggy's Christmas Things


Come and play in the snow at my Christmassy store in Sonsy - Now adding New Items Daily.Visit Big Cake

Artikel in Second Life anzeigen
  • A huge pack of everything you need for christmas
  • Everything copiable rez as many as you like
  • Includes 2 givers with full perms gifts
  • Includes The Ultimate Christmas Tree
  • !!Crazy Christmas Value!!
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full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 5.12.2008 von Daeden Jessop

beautiful work and Ziggy's a really nice person! was a pleasure doing biz :)

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full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 4.12.2008 von Kateri Runningbear

This makes my Christmas decorating a snap! Fabulous stuff in one neat package - Thank you!!

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full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 4.12.2008 von Xander Kappler

Fantastic!! There is just so much in here it's hard to describe in words, except, with one purchase, my Christmas decorations are done.

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