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The Cremery & Chaos Spectrum - Rezzer

The Cremery & Chaos Spectrum - Rezzer
The Cremery & Chaos Spectrum - Rezzer
19 Reviews


Rezzer is a product that allows the user to view their purchased skyboxes/backdrops/etc. without having to dig through their inventory each time they are looking to use one.

This project was originally created for personal use but we felt that others would find it useful as well. There are requirements and limitations to the use of this product.

The Rezzer has a few features to take note of:

1. No Notecard Required
You will NOT have to list the items you add to the Rezzer in a Notecard, simple and quick installation of the Rezzed Script is all that needs to be added to your skyboxes/backdrops/etc.

2. Access controls: Owner, Group, or Public

3. Display up to 5 different installed images.
Images can be Full Perm or No Mod to work.

4. Single Click through or jump by page via the Arrow buttons.
Single Arrow = Single Click
Double Arrow = Next Page

5. DeRez Button once you are done with the object you have rezzed, easy cleanup. No need to return objects if set to group or public.

6. Save & Rez Scenes
Can save multiple items within a Scene to the Rezzer. Each item will need to be Mod and Copy to be properly usable with the Rezzer.

The Rezzer cannot be utilized with the following permissions:

1. NO Mod Objects
To make the product function you will need to add the Rezzed Script to the Object that you want to add to the Rezzer.

2. NO Copy Objects
You will not be able to DeRez them because they are NO Copy.

3. NO Trans Textures
The image will not show on the display because it can not retrieve the Texture UUID, so it defaults to NULL_KEY; aka blank grey nothingness.

4. You can now have more than 2 rezzers out at the same time. They are on different channels. Previously you couldn't have 2 Rezzers out at the same time because they were on the same channel. They would read each other and would cause errors.

Follow these steps to have the Rezzer work properly.

1. Rez either the Stand or Wall Version

2. Rez the desired Object you want to add to the Rezzer

3. Add the Rezzed Script to the Object.

4. Click the Frame of the Stand or Wall Version of the Rezzer.

5. Click Save
A drop-down menu should pop up and give you the option to save. This will save the position of your Object relative to the rezzer.

6. Take the modified Object into your inventory.

7. Add the modified Object & Texture into the Rezzer.
They must be the same name so they can recognize each other.

8. Test to make sure you have done it correctly. The Object should go to the saved position when rezzed.

I added a video of the instructions:


1. Do I have to Edit Linked Parts and add the script into each piece?

No, you only need to put it into the object or each multiple objects. It is NOT required to add the script into each LINKED part of an object.

2. I received this message in Local Chat "Number of images does not match the number of scenes!" It won't let me click on anything. How do I fix it?

This means you have an extra Object or Texture. Find and delete the duplicate and things will automatically resolve itself.

3. Why did my Object not go back to its position?
Make sure you have click save. That is the only way that the Rezzer can recognize it's saved position. Your local chat will inform you if you have saved or not.

[21:30] DEMO OBJECT: Saved!

[21:36] MULTIPLE OBJECT: Saved!
[21:36] MULTIPLE OBJECT: Saved!
[21:36] MULTIPLE OBJECT: Saved!

4. I did not hit save and the item is already in my inventory. Do I have to Rez out another Object and add the script again?
No, you can Right Click on the modified Object and select Restore to Last Position.
Click save and it should save your position. Take it back into your inventory and place it within the Rezzer.
It will not save the position if you Rez it by the Rezzer. It must be rezzed from your inventory.



If you are still having problems or have questions you are welcome to contact us via IM:
- Custos Luceme (schitzotiger.firehawk) *Scripter*
- Crème (cremepan) No longer active within SL

We may be busy or away at any time. We will get back to you once we see your message. If you do not hear back from either of us within a day please poke us again.

It is possible to black screen crash or have a pc restart where we will not see the messages that are left. Note cards can get lost and never see the light of day again until the following year.

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  • Skyboxes
  • Backdrops
  • Organizer
Average rating: full star full star full star full star empty star
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I love the rezzer
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted August 30, 2024 by RednessV

I really love this simple easy rezzer, unfortunately most of the backdrop scenes with no transfer and the picture unable to display out. I wish i can know how to make the pic visible with transfer mod

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 26, 2024 by candyS2u


i'm buyed same other stuff rezzer object of difference shop
that's to hard object
but this object very easy and perfect

just buying everybody
u want right here

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L$ 520

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Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
See product details for permissions info
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 1