G General

The Crypt

The Crypt

A nice creepy little Crypt, the perfect home for a vampire on a small lot, or a terrific edition to your cemetery. The Sarcophagus opens to reveal a very comfy cushion for your daylight hours. The stained glass windows provide privacy from the outside (well, privacy in the SL sense of the word), but are clear leaded glass on the inside. The dark and creepy vine is entirely optional. It rezzes out but can be picked up independently, and resized to fit you needs. Under twenty LI as shown. Enough room for comfort, but small enough for a cemetery lot rental.

Accents Design has been providing low prim, low cost builds since 2008. I also provide land and interior design to help you beautify your home, from small parcel to full sim. Personal shopping services also available.

Cynianne Hellershanks
Accents Design