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This is the RUST Punk Helm from the Desolate Wasteland collection, by The Forge.
It is 100% mesh and can be re-sized, as needed, to fit any head - male, female, or mesh.
The texturing and details on it are amazing.
It's a really great helmet and an excellent accessory for any post-apocalyptic outfit.
*************************************************************** Store Policy *******************************************************
This is a NO COPY, limited quantity Gacha item.
I am not the creator of this item so I cannot replace the item if it is lost or deleted.
Like all gacha re-sellers, I cannot offer refunds on any purchases.
I want you to buy stuff that you'll love, so:
I provide information and photos on listed items (when I can) so that you can make an informed decision.
I do not sell empty boxes or try to cheat people.
I try not to sell "junk". If I think an item has low quality, poor texturing, or a lousy fit then I will not sell it.