This home is untextured so you can implement your own interior design style! Please come see it inworld at:
About This Prefab Home
This home is equipped with a rezzer. Place the rezzer on the ground and click it. Follow the menu to rez your new home. It's just that easy
Prims: 532 (Unfurnished & Clean Versions)
Footprint: 40 x 50
Land: Recommended 4096 sm
Features of this Home
Uses Rez Fauz rezzing system
Click on lights to turn them on/off
Click windows for Blinds Menu
Click fridge doors to open/close
Pool water is splashable
Shower animation activates shower water
Hand washing animations activate water in sink
Multi User Lockable Doors
Click any door in your home and type:
show help' - Displays this information
'lock' - Sets the door to Locked mode
'unlock' - Sets the door to Unlocked mode
'add ' - Replace with the av you want to add to the list
'remove ' - Replace with an av you want to delete
'say list' - Shows who is on the All Access list
'change time ' - Replace with the number of seconds you want the door to stay open and listen.
This home comes in three variations:
Furnished -
Unfurnished -
Clean -
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