The Great Lodge
A timeless structure that could fit well in any setting. This versatile building comes complete with a large, spacious, residence that could be a grand home, the perfect place for travelers to rest their weary bones, perhaps even a Pub or Saloon, the choice is yours and The Lodge is perfect for all of your ideas.
The Lodge was constructed on a 64X96 - 6096 parcel of land and has plenty of room to spare. It would fit well in this space, or a 4096 comfortably. A 2048 could be done with a bit of modification, which The Lodge can handle easily.
The Lodge has several pieces all packaged for your convenience in the easy to use, and very popular Jack In The Box Rezzer.
* The Lodge Base Ground is the gravel base that has the pretty shadows of The Lodges several overhangs and two porches. This Base can be removed without fear of ruining the structure. It is 2 LI
*The Lodge Non Phantomed is the part of the building that is physical, the part of the build who's walls can not be walked through. The Doors, The windows, and the solid windowless walls on the first floor as well as the Stair case and the roofs. It is 82 LI. It is modifiable, but any piece removed or changed will affect the original design.
*The Lodge Phantomed are all of the pieces that have been altered so you can walk through the doors (and in some cases the walls, but to save on prims I've kept physical prims to a minimum. Might I suggest some low prim furniture or a very detailed imagination to prevent walking through the walls if you want them to be kept a secret) It is modifiable, but any pieces removed or changed will affect the original design. This piece is 16 LI
The Fireplace is a special animal. The original Fireplace for the design weighed in at 25 LI, so the new version has been modified to maximize detail, and minimize LI. The Fireplace is a separate piece all it's own to be removed or added easily, or even used in your other buildings. The fireplace's best feature of course is the fire itself. I can't take credit for that, but I can tip my hat to Lнıиоvаиıои Нєᴌᴄаяаxё (necati.millet) for creating the lovely mesh fire logs and offering them to builders, and to 彡Kissa彡 (wendy.nitely) for scripting the pretty light effects the flames give provide. You'll find nothing cozier in my opinion. Touch the logs to see the wondrous effects. The Fireplace is 5 LI .
All of the doors are from the awesome maker of Kool Doors and Kool RP Doors, Kool Mekanic. I was a little nervous at first, it isn't easy to switch to new things, but I'm very glad I did. Hat tip to GɪGɪ Eᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴀʟ (gothicgeshia.gartenberg) for suggesting the doors. It took very little time to become very comfortable with the system, and the doors are impressive in action, ease of access, and options. The doors can be upgraded to roleplay doors (Break in actions and such, great for theft of items, and/or horses :) ) By you, the end user. They are set to manual for realism, and are all part of the Non Phantomed part of the build.
The last piece of physics belong to the stairs. To keep you from falling through them, and doing really weird things, there is a physical prim, 3 prims that also is a piece all it's own. it is easily removable and not linked to anything should you not care about physics and climbing stairs properly.
There is a loft for the barn and an old sculpted scripted ladder included for fun, but the roof is physical, so unless you are super short, it may be an issue to walk up there, although a great secret hideaway for some other extracurricular animated activities could work out well there... just saying.
The Ladder included for the loft does have climbing animations. It is an older version and sculpted. It's thrown in for fun, and if you're going to use it bear in mind you may have issues in the loft, the roof is solid, we need a place for the birdies to land of course :) but if you edit the roof and make it phantomed you shouldn't experience any loft issues at all :) again, the choice is yours. Please be in edit when you rezz the ladder, it's in several pieces.
It is my foremost wish that you enjoy this build and have many wonderful experiences behind, and in front of it's doors. It was a LONG labor of love, with many new experiences for myself, and a lot of new ideas attempted. I appreciate your business, and the fact that you even just peeked at something that gave me so much pleasure to create. Enjoy your SL and your RL to the absolute fullest!
Grand Total of everything in The Great Lodge... 108 LI total!
Dione Bingyi
Out on a Whim
- Kool Door RP upgrade option
- Jack in the Box rezzer system
- Modifiable in several parts