.:[ The Haunt Signpost ]:.
Thanks for your interest in the Bloodlines Haunt!
The Haunt is a web-enabled location system for Bloodlines-friendly places in Second Life. It has the following features:
1.Customizable online profile for your location at slbloodlines.com. Add an image, about text, and details of events you are holding at your location. Events you add to your haunt will be added to the Bloodlines event calendar at slbloodlines.com/haunts.
2.Add a texture to the haunt sign in-world to personalize the item and advertise your location.
3.Add an object or notecard that will be vended to visitors who visit your location and click on your Haunt sign.
4.Add a landmark to your sign to set a custom landing point for your location. Otherwise, the landing point will be where the haunt sign is located.
5.Visitor counter: displays how many people are at your haunt at any given time, with a customizable range.
6.If you have more than one Haunt location, your visitors will be able to teleport to other locations you own by clicking on the haunt sign and selecting your other locations from the menu.
7.Your visitors will be able to open your Haunt web profile directly from your haunt sign.
Full Details: https://slbloodlines.com/gear/haunt
To get the most out of your system, please read all of the instructions below, or you can check out the product information guide on http://www.slbloodlines.com
For updates on this product as well as events and giveaways, check our Blog:
Ⓞ Blog: http://blog.slbloodlines.com
For stats, guides, and social networking:
Ⓞ Website: www.slbloodlines.com
Ⓞ Wiki: www.sl-bloodlines.wikia.com
Ⓞ Facebook: www.facebook.com/slbloodlines
For sales and technical support:
Ⓞ http://slbloodlines.com/support
.:[ CONTENTS ]:.
1 Haunt Sign
1 Set Instructions
1 LM to Bloodlines
- Networkable Location System
- Free Online Profile & Event Listings
An old system but still valid with active users
Even today the Bloodlines system still works so if you have enough money, a sim or a plot to install it on, a guild, clan or whatever that you run and you can afford it, you should get this, as it will advertise your land with the possibility of more people knowing you and the area you run.
Let's be honest and realistic, this is a system where you have to spend money, if you don't want to participate don't do it, but don't give a negative review just because you bought this to generate traffic without being part of the system, this is for people who play the system! xD I say this because of the negative review they put...
Little misleading
I would give this product five stars if it wasnt just a tad bit misleading. I have seen the haunt operated before and was pleased with the traffic I seen it bring to places. Although I do not participate in Bloodlines I wouldn't mind using this for traffic purposes and have no problem with those who actually play Bloodlines. To my dismay and 799L later come to find out you have to be a bloodlines player to use the haunt. Most likely wont use as I am uninterested in purchasing something else to become a bloodlines player. Just sort of shoddy its not mentioned you can't use it on the listing unless you play.
espero uma resposta queria muito um haunt na minha land mas por alguma problema não deu e foi
pedido que entrasse em contato com a bloodlines aguardo a resposta
THEE best RP system in SecondLife
Perfect for lovers of community RP and big community.
Highly recommended!
Awesome game
Bloodlines is a very exciting game. That i enjoy a lot. Great support team, great products ... Well deserving 5 stars !
Awesome way to bring people on our sim !
Bloodlines Vampires & Lycans are one of the biggest communauty around SL and this Haunt system is just the most fantastic way to get a lot of people to check for our events and to find us easily via the bloodlines website !
the way to add event is totally great and so easy to use and i can even add a pic from each places for each haunts i own ! great item :)